Hi 👋
Pete from LiveSession here. This month we have something BIG to share. As many of you requested, we’re introducing: | The DevTools |  | Debug and fix bugs like a pro. We can’t promise you won’t have to ask users for screenshots anymore, but we’ve been using this marvelous feature for some time now and there’s one thing I can assure you: it does the job.
You can see all console logs in one view or filter them by a severity level: Info, Warn or Error. If you are looking for a specific message, use the search field.
DevTools are currently in open beta. We’re planning to launch them for all our users by the end of April. But if you’re anxious to use the LiveSession DevTools right now, you can request early access directly from your Session player: |  | Request early access | | New on our blog |  Abandoned Carts - Recover Them Creating A Sense Of Urgency The “abandoned cart” is an issue for many online businesses. For those who don’t know, the abandoned cart occurs when a potential customer goes through the process of logging onto a business’s website, choosing a product, adding it to their purchase basket, but doesn’t end up finishing the checkout purchase. Read more on our blog |  How To Measure The Importance of Traffic Sources Using UTM's Sources of traffic to a website are the channels through which visitors come to a website. As you know, it is the number of visitors that is one of the main indicators of the success of the project. The more of them, the higher the likelihood of achieving your conversion goal. Of course, not every site can be proud of a steady flow of users. Knowledge of where to effectively attract customers, as well as high-quality analysis of traffic sources, will help to increase the traffic indicator. Read more on our blog | As always, I encourage you to contact us by replying to this email if you have any questions. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn. Let’s stay in touch! | Best, |  | Pete Product Marketing Manager @ LiveSession |