/* Dev Tools by LiveSession */

Analize and fix your bugs faster with LiveSession Dev Tools.

Track console logs, JavaScript errors and Network requests for every session.

the session in which the Livesession functionalities are presented

Understand application and customer errors

Replay user’s sessions and stop guessing why bugs happen. Get the technical story of user journey.

Watch console logs

Watch console logs

Replay user’s sessions and stop guessing why bugs happen. Get the technical story of user journey.

See console logs, JavaScript errors, and detailed object and discover the what happen during user’s session.

Get detailed JS errors

Get detailed JS errors

Get detailed stacktraces and discover the exact line of broken code.

Connect external bug-tracking tools and watch user’s session direclty from Sentry, Bugsnag or Errorception.

Replay network requests

Replay network requests

Check the requests status and find what requests causes errors from your API.

Record headers, request and response bodies for individual network requests that took place within a user's session. Control which URLs you want to record and which to discard.

Page speed metrics for every user session

Find out how quickly pages are loading for yuor customers on every browser, device, or network
connection with page speed metrics.

page speed metrics for every user session

Start understanding
your users today

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