Product Analysis Tips: How to Design Products That People Will Love

Are you looking for an idea that just pops into your head out of the blue? Bad news – designing products is not just about coming up with cool ideas and making them look good. It’s just a drop in the ocean.
If you want to create products that people will actually love using, there’s a lot more to it than that.
The creation of a product people will truly love is challenging. But with a few key actionable insights, you can increase your chances of success.
Product managers, product owners, and designers, take notes! ✍🏻
In a nutshell: What is a product analysis?
A product analysis is a key component of any successful marketing strategy. It will be one of the first tasks to tick off on your marketing to-do-list. Essentially, it involves evaluating the various qualities and features of a particular product, and using this information to determine how the product might be positioned in the target market to meet customer expectations. It also includes analyzing market trends, customer touchpoints, and the overall user journey.
Instead of looking at how such a process takes place, we want to focus on how product analytics tips can be applied to create a successful product. Here we go ⬇️
#1 Focus on customers’ needs
You won’t know your customer’s true needs from behind an office desk.
The best way to understand what people want is to go out and talk to them directly. Go to where they are, whether that’s their home, workplace, or somewhere else entirely.
Observe them in their natural habitat and try to understand the pain points they experience on a daily basis. Only then can you begin to design a solution that will make their lives better.
Don’t assume that you know what your customers want – talk to them, and you’ll learn what they need to create great product strategies.
#2 Don’t follow the crowd
It’s easy to fall into the trap of designing products that are just like everyone else’s. But if you want people to love your product, you need to be different.
With your product team, think about what makes your product special and use that to guide your design. Do competitive product analysis and create a product roadmap. Don’t be afraid to be creative – it could be the key to making your product stand out from the crowd.
Find your own voice and use it to create something unique. There is a possibility that it might be riskier, but it could be a big payoff.
#3 Simplicity is key
When it comes to product performance, simplicity should be your mantra.
People don’t want products that are overloaded with features – they just want something that does what it’s supposed to without any fuss.
The best way to achieve this is by ruthlessly cutting away anything that isn’t strictly necessary. Every element of your product should have a purpose and contribute to the overall user experience.
Don’t add product features just for the sake of it – keep things simple, and you’ll be happier with the end result (and so will your customers).
#4 Don’t limit user experience (UX) to theory
The lesson here is that you need to think about the entire user experience, not just the design. Pay attention to all aspects of your product usage, from the overall experience to the smallest product details.
Also, your product might be the best in the world, but if people can’t figure out how to use it, they’ll never know.
That’s why it’s so important to design products that are easy to use, even for those who are not particularly tech-savvy.
Every aspect of your product should be designed with usability in mind. From the user interface to the user experience, everything should be as straightforward and intuitive as possible.
Don’t make your customers work to use your product – make it easy for them, and they’ll love you for it.
Note: If your product is a digital product, such as a website or an app – try out product analytics platform, e.g., LiveSession. It’s the solution that provides all the necessary tools to enhance your website UI, such as funnels, session replays, heat maps, and more.

Source: LiveSession
#5 Pay attention to the details
When it comes to product design, the devil is in the details.
Don’t underestimate the importance of paying attention to the finer points – it could be the difference between a product people love and one they simply tolerate.
From the way a button feels when it’s clicked to the experience they have after the purchase, every detail matters. It all adds up to create an overall impression of quality (or lack thereof).
So don’t skimp on the details – give your product the attention it deserves.
#6 Make it visually appealing
Are you a looker when it comes to shopping? Makes sense, especially when it comes to impulsive purchases, doesn’t it?
People are drawn to things that look good. That said, making your product visually appealing is a good business strategy. If people are drawn to it, they’re more likely to give it a try.
So pay attention to the aesthetics of your product, from the overall design to the smallest details. Every aspect should contribute to making it look good.
But remember that creating a product that looks good is crucial, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. People will only love your product if it also functions well.
#7 Innovate
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” – said Albert Einstein.
People love new things, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve by constantly innovating.

Find new ways to solve old problems. Think outside the box and push the boundaries of what’s possible. It might not always work, but when it does, the results can be remarkable.
Let’s look at Apple. They’re one of the most successful companies in the world, and they didn’t get there by following the crowd in future technologies. They constantly innovate, whether it’s with new products or new features for existing products. And it’s this constant innovation that has made them so successful.
#8 Do competitor analysis
If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best.
It’s important to keep up with your competition and see what they’re doing well – and not so well.
By making competitive analysis, you can learn a lot about your own business. For example, you might find new opportunities for market growth or identify areas where you can make better product decisions.
#9 Prototype
Here is an example from the “Creative Confidence” book by David M. Kelly and Tom Kelley that illustrates how crucial this stage is for product success.
If it wasn’t for their trip to India, Stanford students never would have realized that their Embrace Infant Warmer required changing temperature displays.
There is a strong belief there that Western medicines are really powerful and are, therefore, too strong for babies. In other words, if the doctor says they should set up a certain temperature of “portable incubator,” mothers will do so in half.
Stanford students quickly realized that their product should not show an exact numerical scale but just “OK” when the baby’s temperature reaches the desired level. Otherwise, the bad temperature could have endangered their lives.

You can avoid making similar mistakes by prototyping and testing your product in real life before you launch it. This will help you identify any potential problems and make sure that your product is ready for the real world.
Something that seems obvious to you may not turn out to be so for the average user.
#10 Test, test, and… test
You can never test too much. The more you test, the more likely you are to find problems and fix them before they become bigger issues.
Whether you’re testing your website, your app, or your code, make sure you do it thoroughly.
Product testing is essential to ensure that your product is fit for purpose. It’s the only way to be sure that your product will meet the needs of your users. (There are many different types of tests that you can carry out, from usability tests to functional tests).
Note: Use the right tools that will help you track and test even better (and more!).
💡LiveSession is an absolute lifesaver here. Usability testing and app debugging are only a few of its features to improve digital customer experience. Analyze customer interactions based on the metrics that matter. Learn more here.
#11 Fix any problems quickly
If there are glitches in any stage of customer journey, fix them immediately. Leaving them unattended may make customers frustrated and lead to them taking their business elsewhere.
Perform social media moderation on complaints or compliments about your business. It can give you a good idea of what customers think of your business and where there might be room for improvement.
Read customer testimonials on sites like G2 or Google. You can use them to determine what people like and dislike about your business.
Ask for customer feedback directly. You can do this by sending a survey, a follow-up email, or just by talking with someone during customer interviews.
Observe customer behavior. If you can see where they are dissatisfied, you can improve their experience.
So if you find a problem, take care of it right away. It’ll show your customers that you’re committed to providing a good experience and that you care.
To sum up
Designing products that people will love is all about understanding how their brain works. By considering the way your customers think, you can create a product design that appeals to them.
Focus on customer needs, simplicity, and usability. Make sure every detail counts, and don’t be afraid to be different. With these insights above, you’ll be well on your way to success.
If you believe in your product, others will too. So have faith in what you’re doing, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Good luck!
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